Lanzan a la venta teléfono estilo retro de la Barbie

Lanzan a la venta teléfono estilo retro de la Barbie

La Compañía finlandesa HMD, Fabricantes de los teléfonos Nokia, junto con Mattel, creadores de las muñecas Barbie y otros juguetes, han sacado a la luz este miércoles 28 de agosto un teléfono inspirado en el mítico teléfono de juguete Barbie. La intención de

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Try not to be a man of success rather become a man of value.

Try not to be a man of success rather become a man of value.

Mar 16, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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I find that the harder I work, the latest series luck to I seem to have.

I find that the harder I work, the latest series luck to I seem to have.

Feb 18, 2022

When working remotely and having to manage your own time, it is not uncommon for breaks to be overlooked. A new survey by the online scheduling platform Doodle confirms the US workforce’s collective neglect of breaks. 72% of US employees admit to feeling

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